Grid fleeces laid down next to each other - Youer's Climb on Hoodie, Lightheart Gear's MicroGrid Fleece, Melanzana's Classic "Melly," Patagonia R1 Original, and Squak Mountain Co.

A Grid Fleece Showdown: Comparing Melanzana Alternatives & my Favorite Mid Layers

I’ll never forget discovering the magic of a grid fleece: my co-guide-later-turned-future-husband ranted and raved about his Patagonia R1. He was a true dirtbag and claimed it was one of the few pieces of gear he’d consider buying at full-price.

Woah. Now that was quite a claim coming from someone like him.

So I had to see for myself.


I soon got one on sale and took it on every adventure after that. Goodness, that thing kept me warm and cozy and feeling just right!

Thus ensued my obsession with finding the next best grid fleeces out there.

Of course, the holy grail of the grid fleece world is the coveted “Melly“: handmade in Leadville, Colorado and beloved by the OG thru-hikers. For many years, you couldn’t get one unless you walked into her holy doors that sit over 10K feet above sea level.

But my obsession with grid fleeces over the years has led me to discover more beautiful and much better alternatives to the Melanzana. Products that fit better, have rad features, and are made by inspiring small businesses. This isn’t a diss on the beloved Melly, as I own one myself, I just want y’all to know there are other fantastic options out there without having to go out of your way.

Below is my comprehensive review of the grid fleeces I have owned and my personal thoughts on each!

Table of Contents

    Before We Get Started…

    I want you to know that this is VERY much my OWN opinion. I have personally worn these grid fleeces for many adventures and the way I prefer things may be different from the next adventure-mommy-blogger out there, so please take these opinions with a grain of salt.

    For reference, I am just shy of 5’6″ and average around 145 pounds. I prefer longer torso tops as I am a 32DDD-F (depending on baby status) and need the extra length. I prefer a women’s fit, but not always, as I don’t like to feel suffocated in form-fitted tops. Too boxy of a cut and I’m out. I prefer longer arms on my clothing, but only need average length.

    My typical shirt size is a small, but sometimes I wear mediums. As you’ll note below, most of the grid fleeces I have are one size up, making them a Medium.

    A Grid Fleece Comparison Overview

    Since this post is extremely long, here’s a quick reference for the features of each grid fleece:

    Grid Fleece Side-by-Side Comparison chart including the Youer Climb on Hoodie, Lightheart Gear Micro Grid, Melanzana Melly, Patagonia R1, and Squak Mountain Co.

    The OG Grid Fleece

    Melanzana’s Micro Grid Hoodie

    Woman in the mountains wearing a visor, sunglasses, and a backpack. She's also wearing a green grid fleece Melanzana Melly Hoodie.

    Let’s start with the most “popular,” or should I say, “coveted.” The Melanzana is legendary in the outdoor world and for a while, it seemed like this was the answer to all your mid-layer grid-fleece needs. The only way to get a new one (save for a brief stint in 2020), is to make an appointment and drive yourself around almost 2 hours out of Denver. You could (and still can) also get them on the secondhand markets like Ebay or Poshmark, but because of their novelty, these Melanzana Grid Fleeces typically have a very high markup online.

    I ended up getting my hands on a few when they opened their online doors for a short time during the pandemic. I got a dress and two hoodies because I had no idea which size or style to get. Here’s what I learned:

    These grid fleece hoodies are SO soft. Especially brand-new, you’ll want to wear them everywhere! They move with your body and you’ll be tempted to just not wear anything underneath they are so cozy.

    The ladies cut didn’t feel form-fitting. It was more feminine than the unisex style, but in my opinion, was still boxy and baggy. Because of my longer torso preference, the size-up from my typical size is my first choice, but this makes it extra boxy.

    The arms are pretty standard in length and don’t have thumbholes. If you need longer arms, these hoodies are probably not for you.

    Here’s one of the biggest downsides to the Melly for me: they always use black thread.

    Let me explain:

    I don’t loveeee when the thread is a different color than the fabric. As a small, clothing business owner, I totally get that’s a significantly higher cost and effort for the outcome. But for the way my body is shaped, a black thread line on these hoodies usually goes right through the middle of the boobs and it just doesn’t make me feel amazing. If you have this odd particular preference like myself, you may want to opt for a darker colored grid fleece.

    All of the above to say, as much as I’ve loved my Melly’s, they are not my first choice. I’ll explain what I love about the others below…

    Girl standing by a mountain lake smiling at the camera. She has dreadlocks, a visor, sunglasses, black shorts, a green hoodie, and a backpack on.

    The Grid Fleece with Special Powers

    Patagonia’s R1 Grid Fleece Hoodie

    As mentioned above, this is the layer where it all got started for me. Even though I got a unisex version, it’s still one of my favorite cuts. The torso is long enough for my preferences, there are thumbholes, a chest pocket, and a scuba-like hood that my husband is obsessed with. He also won’t consider any of the other grid fleeces on this page solely for the reason they don’t have a 1/4 zip.

    The Patagonia R1 differs from all the others on this page in that it has some kind of wind-resistant fabric face on top of the grid, making it heavier-duty and warmer on harsh-weather days. This fabric is definitely fantastic for activities like backcountry skiing when looking for a little extra barrier between yourself and the outdoors without having to put another layer on.

    Patagonia has other R1 grid fleeces that have a more similar fabric to the others described in this post. But if you’re looking for something similar to the one I described above, keep an eye out for the classic R1 made with Polartec’s “PowerGrid.”

    Because this grid fleece falls into a category that’s somewhat different than the rest, I won’t compare it too much to the others. It serves a different purpose and I honestly haven’t tried any other comparable options. I included it to let you know about the other fabric options out there and that I think it’s a fantastic addition to a gear (or casual!) closet.

    Here’s a list of some other grid fleeces with similar fabrics. I have not tried them myself, but think they’d be worthy of a shot:

    Most of Fayettechill’s fleece options, Outdoor Research’s Vigor Collection, Black Diamond’s Coefficient line, Mountain Warehouse Ultra Crevasse, and Arc’teryx Delta.

    My Overall Favorite Grid Fleece for Women

    Youer’s Climb on Hoodie

    Hand wearing thumbholes holding a sunflower at sunset over a mountain scene with a river behind it.

    As a small, handmade business owner myself, I quickly came to adore Mallory and her quirky prints at Kind Apparel back in 2016 or so. Fast forward, Kind Apparel has transformed into a beautiful brand called Youer that creates adventurous clothing for the individual – all made in the USA.

    My first purchase was her fleece dress. It was bright blue and had a beautiful, original floral pattern down the side and for the thumbholes. I still go back country skiing, hiking, and around town in it. The buttons on the cowled neck made it extra special and when I wore it, I could just tell it was made with love.

    When she put her first hoodie on pre-order, you better believe I bought one right away. And yes, it was everything I needed when the dress was too much.

    Over the years, the design and fabrics have slightly changed, but the overall spirit of the original hoodies and dresses is still there (yes, I own a total of 6 now…). The most unique thing about the Youer Climb On Hoodie and Treasure Dress is the stretchy, artsy fabric featured on the side panels and thumbholes. On a super cold day, they might be a little chilly, but I’ve found this feature to be invaluable when I’m moving my body and the sweat needs somewhere to go.

    As my body has changed from avid endurance hiker to pregnant chicken and new mother, these stretchy side panels have also given my changing curves a confident look where other tops have made me feel extra awkward.

    Woman standing by a river looking off into the distance smiling as if she's laughing. She's wearing a hat, two braids, black shorts, and a purple Youer Climb On grid fleece hoodie.

    Because of the thumbholes, this hoodie and dress have great length in the arms and I would argue, even when wearing the thumbholes, there’s some extra length for movement. Although the neckline no longer features buttons, the overlapping hood adds extra warmth and cozy mountain style.

    This grid fleece hoodie (and dress!) literally checks all the boxes for me, making it my favorite compared to all others — it’s why I own so many!

    If the price tag has you hesitating, one of my favorite ways to get my hands on some Youer is to visit their resell site by Treet. And what’s great is when you’re ready to refresh your closet, you can sell your own pieces on there and get store credit or cash back. Click here to check out “Youer Rediscovered.”

    The Best Cut & Style

    Lightheart Gear’s Fleece Hoodie

    Woman standing in a snowy scene holding the cowl collar of a black Lightheart Gear Grid Fleece hoodie. She's smiling and some of her hair is falling out of the hoodie.

    Can I start off by saying how incredible this brand is? Lightheart Gear is not only woman- and veteran-owned, they make everything in their own North Carolina factory. Founded by an avid thru-hiker, their exclusive patterns are exceptionally thoughtful for what is needed and appreciated by outdoor enthusiasts.

    I absolutely love the warm colors that they choose to make their fleeces with. The women’s cut is probably my most favorite off this entire list: the arms are long, there are thumbholes, the cut is seriously feminine, and the hemline is longer with a scoop. It’s adorable and makes me feel amazing when I wear it.

    They not only offer a dress option, but those fleece skirts are my LIFE in the winter when I just wanna wear leggings but need a little extra warmth on my butt.

    As mentioned in my overview of the Melanzana, I don’t love the black thread that happens to go right across my nipple line and the Lightheart features that. That’s literally the only downside to this hoodie for me: everything else is amazing. So I stick to the black color — and it looks classy!

    The Most Affordable Grid Fleece

    Squak Mountain Co.’s Grid Fleece Mid-Layer

    Woman standing on a trail during sunrise. Looking over a mountain scene with a smile on. She's wearing a backpack, fanny pack, trail shoes, gaiters, pink shorts, and a blue Squak Mountain Co. Grid Fleece.

    This is the newest one for me to try and I quickly fell in love! It’s obvious that the folks at Squak Mountain Co. really put effort and love into this hoodie. First off, the grid is bigger than the others on this list: it’s chunkier and feels softer. Just because the grid is bigger doesn’t mean it’s heavier, though. This hoodie is the perfect option for a cool morning start on a warm hiking day because it is light and packs incredibly well.

    I love the color options, the thumbholes, fit, and price point. The hemline isn’t as long as the Lightheart, but it’s long enough for me to be pleased. I went one size up on this one and just love that it still feels feminine and not too boxy.

    What’s next on my wishlist from Squak?

    You guessed it:

    The camp dress!

    Oh, and just about all of colors the hoodie comes in, plus the ‘Lil Squak for my tiny adventurers.

    Other Grid Fleece Alternatives I’d like to try but have not yet.

    Nowadays, there’s so many options and my closet is only so big. Here are a few grid fleece alternatives I haven’t tried, but would like to in the future:

    Sambob // Fayette Chill // Hiker Hunger // SkyGoat

    My Final Thoughts

    Three women standing in the snow next to each other smiling at the camera. They are all wearing black hoodies.

    I’ll admit, it took me WAY too long to write this post. There’s much to think about when comparing grid fleeces plus the weightiness that comes with recommending gear that doesn’t come cheap.

    All of growing up, I struggled with a deep sense of dissatisfaction when it came to gear. There was always someone else with a cooler jacket or pair of skis than me. I was blessed with parents who budgeted for recreation and provided for our family to enjoy adventures. But again, there was always something more “trendy” out there.

    Kinda like when you get the latest iPhone: it’s designed to go obsolete about the minute you open the box.

    The truth is: the best gear for adventure is the gear you already have.

    Writing product reviews can be tricky because my heart is to get you unstuck and outside — regardless of your gear locker status.

    However, there are times when it is appropriate and FUN to purchase tools that keep us going in the right direction: health, warmth, joy, and adventure with Jesus.

    “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
    -Matthew 6:25-33
    I want to leave you with the assurance that the gear doesn’t make the adventurer; rather, the adventurer makes the gear.

    I never felt true satisfaction in my outdoor equipment until I pursued satisfaction in Christ alone.

    Do you have a favorite mid-layer? Please share your go-to in the comments below!

    Pinterest image that states: "The Best Grid Fleeces Out There." It shows a woman standing by a mountain lake in hiking apparel, smiling at the camera.

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