Get Lost! 5 Benefits of Hiking & Outdoor Adventure
Hiking and getting outside in general has many benefits both mentally, physically, and spiritually. Studies have shown that fresh air can do us good in just about every area of life. As our digital lifestyles cause more disconnection in this fast-paced world, the beauty of outdoor adventure has a strong pull for many of us.

As I’ve noted before, hiking is the low-hanging fruit of outdoor adventure. Nearly anyone can give it a shot and there are so many benefits. From boosting our mental clarity and physical fitness to nurturing our connection with God, hiking can offer a holistic experience that’s so much more than conquering summits.
Hiking is Good for Your Health!

This may be obvious for some of you, and maybe not so much for others. One of the best things about hiking is the variety of intensity at which you can take it. Some days may hold long distances and higher elevations while others can be more leisurely. It’s a choose-your-challenge type of outdoor sport that appeals to many different people.
Looking for a great cardio workout? Hike faster to to increase your heart and lung capacity. Maybe even try different styles of interval training as you journey along.
Need to strength your legs and glutes? Pick a trail with significant altitude change to build those muscles.
Want a workout that helps with overall stability? Traveling on uneven terrain can improve balance and coordination.
Something I never appreciated until I experienced it myself was the usefulness of a weekly hike to improve my overall endurance. Once I dedicated to doing one hike a week that slowly progressed in intensity, I was able to accomplish feats I never thought possible. It’s a process and takes time, but weekly hiking has been one of the best ways I’ve gained and maintained general fitness.
Adventure Brings Self-Discovery
“But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7, MSG

Another great benefit of hiking is the opportunity to engage in soulful exploration. Hiking allows us to disconnect from the distractions of everyday life and connect with our truest self. It boosts our mood and opens our hearts to an attitude of joy and thankfulness.
It’s been said that nature is the great equalizer: we are all people put on the same level when experiencing the outdoors. This gives us the opportunity to learn, grow, and push our comfort levels in new ways. If we are intentional, being outdoors gives us the opportunity to be more aware of our tendencies in new environments.
I also like to think of hiking as an extended shower: creativity, ideas, and the chance to sing a tune or two are abounding! When we move our bodies in nature, our minds open up to new ideas and fresh aspirations. One Stanford study found that people’s creative outputs rose by an average of 60% when taking a walk.
If you’d like to kick-start your self-discovery, take my quiz here to see what your Adventure Type is!
Journeying Together Creates Lasting Bonds

You may prefer to adventure solo, and I do too on most days! If you resonate with this sentiment, let me challenge you to invite a pal on your next outing.
Want to know the reason I was an adventure guide for many years? The connection.
Whether I’m facilitating a group that I’ll never see again or meeting up with friends to experience something new together, a lasting bond is always a benefit of companionship. I can’t count the number of times I’ve witnessed strangers at trailheads transform to lifelong friends by the car ride home.
There is something magical and mysterious that happens when people share an experience.
Stories will be told for years to come.
Photos will be smiled at over decades.
And memories engrained on hearts forever.
Never Ending Lessons from Nature
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork”
Psalm 19:1, ESV

It’s difficult to put this section into words as everybody has a different way of connecting with and learning from their outdoor adventures. Whether the peaceful breeze reminds you to take a deep breath or the sunny skies encourage a positive perspective, there’s always a lesson to digest after venturing out.
If it’s not a day for psychological lessons to be learned, terrestrial tutorials abound! From geology to history and everything in between, nature provides limitless opportunities to observe and gather knowledge in all forms. As your connection to the outside world grows, you’ll find a new appreciation for it’s unique and unmatched beauty.
Grow Your Relationship with God
Last, but certainly not least in my heart, is the opportunity for divine connection when hiking or adventuring outdoors. It actually encompasses all of my previous points: when movement in the outdoors happens, our relationships, mental health, physical well-being, and appreciation for nature are all likely to grow. And where do these gifts come from? The Creator himself!
As a born-again Christian, I believe that my connection to God through his Spirit is always here. But there is something significant about spending intentional time outdoors that makes me feel nearer to him.
Maybe it’s the stripping away of the man-made things and enhancement of the created that makes me feel this way.
Or the sight of natural order even in her fallen state.
Or the sounds of created things living out their intended design.
Or the feel of freedom in fresh air.
Whatever it is for you, there is no doubt that God’s invisible qualities can be seen (Romans 1:20).
Hiking invites us to appreciate God’s creation, instills humility, and encourages us to find solace in our relationship with God. It remind us that we are a small, yet cherished part of his creation.
The Countless Benefits of Hiking

This list is certainly not exhaustive. The benefits of hiking go well beyond a short article and encompass so many personal situations I’m surely not qualified to understand.
What I do know is this: the connection to the outdoors and overall health is undeniable.
Even going on the shortest walk outside offers a chance to connect with yourself, others, nature, and God. So next time you need a break from your crazy life, grab a pair of shoes and hit the trails!
What are your favorite benefits of hiking? Share your thoughts in the comments below!