Woman sitting in a chair by the river with a golden retriever in her lap. She's wearing a visor and sunglasses.

Hiking Hacks: 7 Unique Tips for Outdoor Adventure

Don’t you love the excitement when discovering something that makes life more enjoyable? Today, I’m thrilled to share my favorite go-to hiking “hacks” for outdoor adventure. They’re little nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up over the years that have transformed my experiences from good to FUN-tastic!

Hiking gear laid out on the floor and ready for an outdoor adventure.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced hiker or just starting out, incorporating clever hacks into your routine can significantly upgrade your adventures. Some hacks improve safety, while others are purely to improve the fun-factor. Work smarter, not harder with my favorite hiking tips.

Table of Contents

    1. My Favorite Hiking Hack of them All: The Hot Sauce Packet

    Hot sauce packets laid out on a rocky surface. They are the perfect flavor bust for a great hiking hack.

    Give your food a flavor boost by bringing those extra hot sauce packets you saved from that fast-food place for no particular reason. Food always tastes better out on the trail, but with the right meal and spice, you can basically transform it to gourmet! This is such a great hiking hack that I have seen countless adventure buddies drool over the unassuming companion who whips their spice out and lets out a sigh of satisfaction with the bursting flavor of their meal.

    Now for those of you less enthused by spice and fast-food leftovers, this hiking hack can apply to you too! Grocery and convenience stores have a plethora of small packets filled with mustard, mayo, dressings, etc. Next time you come across some free options, grab a few to add to your adventure snack stash, you won’t be disappointed 😉

    2. The Power of Double-Layered Socks

    Blisters can sneak up on even the savviest of hikers. They can quickly turn a meadow frolic into a slow limp back home. Get ahead of the game by wearing two pairs of socks! The most ideal layering system consists of a thinner, moisture-wicking inner layer topped with a thicker outer layer. This shifts the heat-generating friction away from your skin and onto the extra sock. I can’t guarantee that you’ll be completely blister-free, but it will significantly reduce your chances.

    Three pairs of socks laid out on the grass. Double layer them up and you have a way to avoid blisters - a great hiking hack!

    Want a couple of other bonus hiking hacks?

    First, there are these awesome socks called Wrightsocks and they have a built-in double layer! I personally have a few pairs and they are fantastic for all kinds of outdoor adventure. Second, if you’re like me and get blisters in between your toes on those longer endurance days, check out the Injinji liner socks. I got the Women’s Liner + Runner and am absolutely in love!

    3. Duct Tape Around Your Trekking Pole

    Do you remember the old ad where it presented a bunch of random problems and the answer was always “uuuuuuse duct tape!” Well, those commercials from the 90’s really paid off and I’m in agreement that duct tape can fix just about any problem. That’s why I keep a roll in my car and a large strip wrapped around my trekking pole at all times! From a quick gear patch to protecting incoming blisters, duct tape can give you an extra hand when unexpected challenges arise.

    4. Re-Pack Those Snacks!

    Cheese and other veggies repackaged in lightweight ziploc bags for a lighter option when out hiking.

    This one may take a little extra time upfront, but trust me, it’s worth it. Re-pack your snacks into smaller baggies or containers to help save space, weight, and trail trash. The biggest culprit is beef jerky: you know those GIANT bags they come in? Open it up, and plop the contents into a zip baggie…you won’t believe HOW much space and weight you saved in that small process. This hiking hack also makes it easier to put your snacks in more easily-accessible spots like a side pouch or fanny pack.

    5. The Magic of a Neck Gaiter

    Girl and her dog in the woods smiling at the camera. Girl is wearing a hat, earring, and a neck gaiter.

    Neck gaiters have so many uses out on the trail. Depending on the time of year, it can keep you warm or cool and keep those pesky hairs out of the way. Here are my favorite uses for a neck tube:

    My favorite time of year to use a neck gaiter is in the summer. I’m a big fan of the thin, stretchy, soft styles from brands like KeaPeak and SugarSky. First off, when the going gets hot, dip it in a cool creek or soak it in some extra water and it will keep you cool around the neck, head, or anywhere else feeling the heat. Second, when worn around the neck it can act as sun protection. Some even come with a UPF rating.

    The third, and my FAVORITE hack with the neck gaiter, is using it as a sleep mask. I discovered this on accident while camping where I was finally able to sleep past sunrise. My headband fell over my eyes while I was sleeping! In WA, that’s kind of a big deal, because there were a lot of days I couldn’t sleep past 4 am near the summer solstice. I now use this hack every day in my own comfy bed at home.

    6. Chafe No More

    Two fingers holding up a small stick of Foot Glide. The background is blurred, but it's green and mountainous.

    Before endurance hiking, I never understood the problem with chafing. After I had a few long days under my feet, the realization hit me — wow, it’s not fun at all! Enter my friend’s secret weapon: Body Glide. If you’re not walking through fields of stinging nettle, there’s no reason to adventure with an uncomfortable rash. All you have to do is apply this gentle, non-greasy stick to your feet, thighs, armpits, or anywhere else that tends to rub uncomfortably. I love that it comes in a compact size that holds enough for many days on the trail but is small enough that I don’t think twice about packing it along.

    7. Rid the Stick

    This one kind of blew my mind when I learned about it: hand sanitizer gets rid of tree sap! I know, it’s extra weight and space in the pack, but even carrying the smallest bottle of this 2020 best-seller can bring so much relief and make your adventure that much more enjoyable. I can’t tell you how many cheers I got as a zipline guide when I whipped it out for a poor participant who hugged the Ponderosa Pines just a little too much. Hand sanitizer will get the sticky stuff off your skin in no time, but I’ve had mixed results using it on fabric and other objects.

    Final Thoughts on Hiking Hacks

    Adventuring almost always involves unexpected challenges and these hiking hacks can make the unknown more enjoyable. Elevate your experience by trying a few of these tips and see what you can learn. Plus, it’s always fun to show off a new idea to your hiking partners!

    Are you ready to lace up your boots and try one of these hiking hacks? Share your favorite tips and tricks in the comments below!

    7 Hiking Hacks You're Gonna Want To Try - Photos without backgrounds laid out in a collage-style design: duct tape on top and bottom, hot sauce packet, beef jerky, neck gaiter, body glide, socks.

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